

Physical - Bank Instruments - Fiat

Bank Instrument Types:


We offer a wide range of education and services
to meet the needs of every type of project funding.

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Gold Certificates

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.
Surety Bond

Surety Bonds

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Safe Keeping Receipts

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Secure Bank Line of Credit

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Mid-Term Notes

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Insurance Wraps

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Bank Drafts

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Bank Guarantees

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Crypto Currency

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.
A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.

Physical Assets

A black and white globe with a cross in the middle on a white background.
Real Estate

Real Estate


Bank Instruments

We can help structure multiple private files such as:

Documentary Letter of Credit

Bank Confirmation Letter

Certificate of Deposit

Proof of Assets

Proof of funds

The Greatest Solutions for the Greatest Assets


Most files are structured with insurance, bond or value that is monetized outside of itself, allowing the assets to remain in a very safe and protected position.

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