"This free book Shows you 8 different ways to making
6-figure commissions in 2025."
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to earning 6 figure commissions
1) How to make 6-figure commissions in 2025
2) How to close deals without having capital
3) How to verify everything within 24 hours
Asset Hero Deluxe
-Take a quick look into the massive commissions and learn how you too can benefit from these opportunities. Start taking advantage of the commies for once!
Sometimes creative structures are needed to complete a deal and when they do, you will need to know what to do. Here, you will understand the basics of leveraging information and assets so you can do things legally and without money, just like Hunter!
It all starts with being able to catch the ball when life throws you a perfect pitch. This will show you how to collect large fees from any size of transaction, small or giant. Even if it's from China, Russia, Ukraine, or wherever! You too will know how to do it the right way and never worry again!
You will also get 3 breakdown reports on why you need to know more about this market and why you need to know how to get money from all these millionaires. Here, you will find out the real number of millionaires, where they are, and what they are spending their money on today. This info is priceless and comes with it all just for signing up!
What are high-net-worth investors spending money on and why? Here you will find out what high-net-worth investors are planning on spending for the next decade!
Here you will learn why investors are moving their money into private equity by the bucket loads! Don't miss your opportunity to ride the train.
Interested in massive commissions? Knowing where the leading global investors will be spending their money will be key to raising funds in the next 10 years.
Hello friends! my name is Kalib M. Loy, I am a professional private trade consultant and have over 35,000 hours of underwriting for private international deals on the doc. I began dealing with commodities over 2 decades ago. My grandfather owned mines in the northwest, and I ran my father's concrete company in the growing town of Bend, Oregon. I was in charge of ordering different types of mineral mixes and compounds that were made from in-ground assets.
Once my eyes were opened to the massive world of mining, commodities, and in-ground assets, I decided to take it to the next level. Because of my understanding of
bank instruments,
I was hired as an advisor to many groups internationally for several years and was
exposed to an unconventional life...
I’ve plane-hopped across the Amazon and vetted gold mines in heavy tropical rains, weighed pounds of diamonds in zip-lock bags at unknown locations, been held at gunpoint while appraising emeralds in private skyrises, dined with elites in the most beautiful places in the world, consulted government officials under unnatural pressure, and after personally closing over 500 deals and countless underwritten files, I came to one simple conclusion: The world of trade finance and asset monetization lacked serious professional and well-informed people. So, I decided to create Bluhe University™ to provide visual aids/information on processes and procedures for private international files. This isn't going to show you how to break the law or how to get rich quick.
What this will do is show you how to make the largest commissions in the world legitimately by consulting the wealthiest groups that humans have ever seen since their existence. In this webinar, I will be presenting this unique opportunity to work in one of the most incredible jobs that the world has to offer: Asset monetization consulting and international banking practices. My goal is simple. To show like-minded people who value life and family how to structure private deals and make Really large profits doing it.
Seating is limited and this offer is only live for a few weeks.
10 ways to making 6 figure Commissions
This book will show you 10 tricks used in the secret world of the ultra-high net worth.
Seating is limited and this offer is only live for a few weeks.
"Asset Hero Deluxe"
Learn how to make massive money monetizing assets!
In-ground Assets
Precious Metals
Historical Asset
Private Placements
Bank Instruments
and much more!
In this webinar you will learn 3 key secrets to earning 7 figures by consulting and arbitraging the most expensive things in the world.
In this webinar you will learn 3 key secrets to earning 7 figures by consulting and arbitraging the most expensive things in the world.
Receive the Free Book and 3 more gifts just for signing up!
And when you get there, I will show you
the 3 secrets to making 7 figures.
Limited time showing
This is an introduction to Bluhe University™ Monetizing assets 101 course and that's it. If you like what you see, then pass it on or you can decide to take the opportunity for yourself. Just so it's clear, near the end of the webinar, there will be an introduction to Bluhe University™. you will have an opportunity to join Bluhe University™ and if you love it, you can learn more about it.
Outside of that, there is NONE(.)
Bluhe University™ is offering this valuable information in hopes to educate this market space. The world of high-level finance takes special types of groups and people, and we believe that these groups and people have little to no resources when it comes to Education and information about working large deals. If you have found this page, then you already are involved with the top 2%.
I also believe that this information will help you greatly, by giving you more opportunities, presenting you the ability to perform and if you haven't done it already, make millions.
-Kalib M. Loy
No, that would be to say that everyone could be a realtor. Some people are great at this and some people are ok at it. The average commission paid on these deals can exceed expectations so it can be easy to be motivated by it. As long as you understand the process and what it takes to protect your commission you will be prepared to close a deal.
In this webinar Kalib will review 6 different way to making a 7 figures. There are many ways to obtaining your goal which makes it more likely to happen.
Bluhe University is registered in Florida and our address in found on our website and online. 4th St. N STE 6602 St. Petersburg, FL 33702
We can accept new clients any time. If you believe that Bluhe Shire can help you with your file, please begin by going to www.bluheshire.com and completing an online contact form. You will be prompted to schedule a zoom meeting upon approval.
Bluhe University is an online education and resource center created for professionals. Due to the nature of the service and digital products provided, bluhe university does not offer refunds for any digital purchases made for digital or online assets created or owned by bluhe shire or bluhe university. The client or customer may use the value in exhange for a different service or product created by bluhe university.
We are currently not engaging with new partners or consultants at this time. You can still participate on a deal if you are an intermediary or representative.
Email: office@bluheshire.com
7901 4th St. N STE 8929 St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Bluhe Shire™ is a U.S. private wealth manager, and our purpose is to help people with financial help and project funding. As a partner to investors, we provide financial techniques and processes when our clients need help creating solutions to complete their goals.
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