Copper Power Sale MT608

Kalib Loy • February 12, 2023

Case Study: How to sell commodities using SWIFT

The Monetization of Copper Powder: A Case Study

In the world of commodity trading, it is not uncommon for companies to come into possession of goods that they may not have the resources or desire to store or further process. This was the case for a private German company specializing in buying and selling commodities, who found themselves with a large quantity of copper powder as part of a trade bundle with a customer. In order to monetize the commodity, the company sought out a buyer in the production industry that specializes in making copper pipes.

However, the private German company was unsure of how to proceed with the monetization process, which is where Bluhe Shire, a private trust experienced in monetizing commodities through fast and easy SWIFT practices, stepped in to assist. With the help of Bluhe Shire, the private German company was able to sell their $204,000,000 worth of copper powder for 5% over market value, providing a successful outcome for both parties involved.

The process of monetizing the copper powder was a smooth and efficient one, all thanks to the expertise of Bluhe Shire. The private German company and the production company agreed on the terms of the transaction, which included the price, quantity of the copper powder, and delivery and payment conditions. The private German company then provided proof of product to the production company through the use of the MT608 message, which included information about the quality and quantity of the copper powder and its origin, along with a certificate of analysis.

Once the production company was satisfied with the proof of product and the terms of the transaction, they initiated payment through the use of the MT760 message, which is a request for a Standby Letter of Credit. This financial guarantee ensured that the private German company would receive the agreed-upon payment once the conditions of the transaction were met.

After the delivery of the copper powder was made in accordance with the agreed-upon terms and the production company received and accepted the product, they released payment to the private German company through the MT760 message.

Bluhe Shire played a critical role in the monetization of the copper powder, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and carefully evaluating the creditworthiness and reputation of the production company before entering into the transaction. With their expertise and experience, the private German company was able to monetize their copper powder with ease and confidence, making this a successful case study in the world of commodity trading.

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